Q. Do you deliver? A. We do! We deliver by FedEx to customers in Florida. FedEx provides next day delivery times for Florida customers.
Q. How many chickens do you raise? A. Currently we are raising 200-225 chickens each month. We harvest approximately 50 birds every Monday.
Q. Seems like you’re always out of stock! A. We are starting small and selling everything we raise. We appreciate your patience! The best way to get our product is to pre-order. These pre-orders really help me gauge demand. Call me and I will ensure you get what you need each month.
Q. How do I get my purchases? A. You may choose to pick up at one of our Farmers Market Locations or have your order FedEx delivered to your door.
Q. Is your chicken organic? A. No. Our chicken is fed certified non-GMO feed and we do not use antibiotics. Our feed is grown in Resaca Georgia and is certified EACH month to be non-GMO. 60% to 80% of the organic grain sold in the U.S. actually comes from outside the U.S. and the organic certification of that grain is quite suspect. We know who grew the feed we use and think our approach gives all the benefits of feeding certified organic feed.
An Interesting Fact: Our manual processing methods are sanitary and safe. The large chicken processing plants process mechanically. The equipment is designed for high volume pass-through. Thousands of chickens are processed each day in these highly efficient plants. The downside is that the evisceration equipment can cause lacerations to the internal organs, thus exposing the meat to bacteria and fecal waste. To ameliorate this common issue, the chickens are immersed in chlorine baths multiple times throughout the processing of the bird.
Our hand process is slower, but gentler. Our evisceration process protects the meat from contact with any of the bird's internal fluids or waste. Our birds do not get a chlorine bath!